Thursday, February 28, 2008

Ruth's Touching Your Life

Hi Everyone
Today, February 28, 2008, Ruth passed over to the Spirit World. At 91 years old, she had earned the right to leave this dimension. We all have been touched by this incredible woman who was only 5' 4" tall and 110 pounds. I hope you will leave COMMENTS, signed by yourself, about how Ruth has touched your life.

I chose a picture of her at Machu Picchu in Peru. It was one of the best journeys of her life and it mean so much to her on a spiritual level. She is standing on the 'old' mountain/apu, Machu Picchu and in the background, behind her, is Huynu Picchu, the 'young' apu.

While Ruth was on this magnificent and sacred Incan complex, she was gifted with a Condor flying over head as well as a rainbow across the Tree of Life that lives in the temple area. She smoked the pipe for all her relations there and it was a beautiful spiritual give and take between her and the spirit world at this one-of-a-kind magical place on Mother Earth.

Here is the altar where Ruth's ashes reside in the hogan. Today, when I placed them there, lit the sage and wafted it around the 8-sided sacred space, the western sun streamed through the WEST window (the place of death and rebirth) and shone exclusively on her urns atop the altar. You can see for yourself. What a beautiful moment! Truly, she is blessed by the Great Spirit.

Here is a close up of Mom's ashes on the altar. A corn goddess Hopi Kachina, carved from the sacred Cottonwood tree, sits on top of the urns that bear her ashes. A South American Condor's feather graces the urns as well, to honor Ruth's spiritual journey to Machu Picchu in 2000. Ruth worked a lot in this hogan, drumming while shamanic journeys were undertaken for others. She also helped teach young apprentice shamans, too. And what an inspiring Grandmother she was to all those students who have passed through this hogan in the last twenty years. Aho.

Please share your thoughts, your heart, your feelings and rememberances of her and how she has touched your life.
Much love, Eileen